Product Description
Fomula ONE Mix of Fresh seafood and algae in Natrual Gel, make this a gourmet natural food for all marine tropical's. Developed by aquaculture biologists to duplicate a natural coral reef diet. This food will significantly improve coloration and vitality in fishes while boosting their immune systems to aid in disease resistance. Formula One is excellent for Clownfish and most other marine speciesBest Great For Damsels, Anemonefish, Chromis, Anathias, Basselets, Psuedochromis, Gobies, Blennies, Butterflyfish, Triggerfish, Wrasses, Hawkfish, Jawfish, all predators, Anemones, Crabs, Shrimp, and other invertebrates. Also Used ForAngelfish, Surgeonfish, Pygmy Angels.